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Social aspects

Robots in education is a very controversial topic, as there are many arguments for as well as against using robots in education. Due to the controversy and the dangers of creating another intelligence, the questions is to what extent the AI will be used and how this will impact the society as a whole. One large argument against the implementation of Ai in education is the assumption that if robots teach, the younger generation of humans will begin to think like machines, and humanity will slowly lose what differentiates it from robots themselves. The assumption is that the children or other people that are taught will lose creativity. This will impact the society in a negative and way. It will increase productivity, but decrease the overall creativity, which leads to a decrease in productivity and a decrease in the general standard of living. Most people on the planet would just live without emotion with the only thing that is being thought being the most logical solution to the current problem. This leads me straight into the next point, which is that human teachers will teach students to think about multiple ways to solve one problem, which leads to ingenuitive people that can further innovation around the planet due to people finding more creative ways to everyday problems.

 On the other hand, robots could be very useful when it comes to grading, as they do not have prejudices or have made up their mind about someone, which means that the grading will always be completely fair. Even though teachers try to stay objective, they are still human, and if one teacher got a bad first impression of a student, this could decrease their grade even if they do not deserve it. AI could act as an objective third party to help keep the grades more objective. The main use of robots in education will most likely be the automation of correcting. This will save a lot of time and money, and will make the lives of teachers a lot easier. This will be more used for multiple choice in contrast to texts due to texts being more complicated and not a simple wrong or right question. Machines are even used today to correct multiple choice tests such as the SAT. Another use for Ai could be to standardize the curriculum in every country due to the robot pointing out places where it could be improved and therefore in enables the best education for every child regardless of their place or financial situation. Robots could also be used for extra tutoring aside from school, which will follow a thought out plan instead of spontaneous tutoring. This will most likely be also at a lower fee that current tutors, and the robot ones will be more efficient.

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